Saturday, 31 July 2010

Thursday 29th July 2010 - Evening

17:30 > 18:00
19c Cld, NW wind.

The spit has now been bulldozed as has some of the north banking. Further new pools are appearing though through the vegetation just to the east of the banked off inlet. A couple of Green Sandpipers are here, two of at least five on site. A Common Sandpiper was the only other bird of note.

Quite a large Goldfinch flock building up, no doubt attracted by the seed heads of the multitude of thistles along this far banking. Circa 100 birds involved.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Tuesday 27th July - Afternoon

17:15 > 17:45
23c Cloud, NW wind, muggy.

A new pool is starting to develop at the Farm out of the lingering puddles on the far north side (just west of what was the spit) of the area being landscaped for 'flooding'. I can only think its leakage from the river thats keeping it topped up given the weather but its pulling stuff in all the same.

Two Common Sandpipers in this area alongside a Green Sandpiper. On the old Wader Pool a further two Green Sandpipers and a single Common Redshank. A pair of Little Egret flew up from the inlet. The Sandmartin colony goes from strength to strength.


After a bit of an eventful two months its time to get this blog back up to date with the last few weeks of sightings going back to earlish April. As they say, watch this space.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Friday 23rd July 2010 – Night

21:30 > 21:45

A chance visit after a late call into walk garnered nothing much as the light faded. No waders out on the water, indeed no birds about at all apart from a flushed Little Owl along the ridge. One noticeable thing was the number of bats (I’m no expert but I’m guessing Pipistrelles?) around the farm building. Never noticed any before but there must have been five or six around the farm buildings. Perhaps the installation of numerous bat boxes is paying off?

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Thursday 22nd July 2010 – Afternoon

17:15 > 17:45
17c stormy

Just three Green Sandpipers on the old wader pool and three Lapwing along the Inlet the only birds of note.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Tuesday 21st July 2010 – Evening

18:00 > 18:30
Humid, cloudy, southerly breeze.

Three Green Sandpiper and a single Common Redshank on the wader pool along with a Little Egret close in to the banking. A handful of Black Headed Gulls about including a couple of juveniles.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Sat 17th July - NBBR

Ted reed via NBBR

"Quick look at a few sites today and managed a few waders.

Manor Farm - A Sanderling briefly before it was flushed by a Carrion Crow."

Friday, 16 July 2010

Fri 16th July 2010 - Afternoon

14:15 > 14:30
18c Strong SW wind, sun & showers.

Strangely quiet with just a single Green Sandpiper the only bird of note.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Thurs 15th July 2010 – Evening

17:15 > 17:45
18c Strong SW wind, sun & showers.

Four Green Sandpipers and a single Common Redshank on the wader pool, too windy it seems for much else.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Weds 14th July 2010 – Evening

17:00 > 17:15
20c, broken cloud, showers.

Still a group of Black Headed Gulls about, 40+ on site most still in summer plumage. Also a pair of Common Terns around the inlet while on the wader pool were the ‘fixture’ Common Redshank and three Green Sandpipers.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Friday 9th July 2010 – Afternoon

28c Hot and sunny, west breeze.

The wader pools dominated by 62 Black Headed Gulls along with a single Herring Gull. Out on the drying mud were 47 Lapwing whilst a single Green Sandpiper was seen along Back Brook. Away from the water a Little Owl was around the farm buildings.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Thursday 8th July 2010 – Evening

17:30 > 18:00
25c warm, broken cloud, west breeze.

A fine summer plumaged Black Tailed Godwit is hopefully the sign of things to come in the coming weeks. A clean crisp looking bird especially when the sun broke through and a real bonus given that increasing groundwork leaves less of an area for attracting waders in. A Common Sandpiper, a pair of Common Redshank and three Green Sandpipers kept the pristine sumplum Blackwit company on the wader pool.

By the inlet a handful of Lapwing and a single Little Egret looked on.

Also a bit of drama over the Sandmartin colony as a lone Hobby tried in vain to nab a late lunch.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Tuesday 6th July 2010 - Evening

17:15 > 18:00
22c humid, cloudy, west wind.

A somewhat crowded wader pool area containing the following. Three Oystercatcher, two Little Egret, 23 Lapwing, two Green Sandpipers a single Common Redshank and ten ‘sumplum’ Black Headed Gulls. Overhead a pair of Common Terns couldn’t get a look in.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Friday 2nd July 2010 – Afternoon

14:30 > 15:30
25c humid.

Not so much the birdlife on show today but the insects. Back Brook is alive with Dragonflies while Damselflies favour the river itself. Butterflies attracted to the nettles and thistles along the banking include some very pristine Marbled Whites.

As for the birds, the Sandmartin colony is thriving and while no sign of waders, bar two Lapwing, seven Grey Heron, two Little Egrets and a dozen Black Headed Gulls added some colour, monotone though it was. Over the bridge at ‘Three Woodpecker Corner’ a Skylark was seen and heard. Not that common a sight in the valley.

Friday 2nd July 2010 – Late evening.

As the sun began to set a group of five Common Terns could be found by the inlet, later to head of south east. Three Oystercatchers on the wader pool along with a pair of Green Sandpiper. A pair of Lapwing on a small inlet island dozed while the Common Buzzard scared the life out of a pair of Little Egrets as it glided over.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Thursday 1st July 2010 – Afternoon

My first reptile sighting in the valley. Not earth shattering but a Grass Snake around a foot and a half in length along the river was a nice spot all the same.

Grass Snake - BBC
Grass Snake - Wildlife Britain