Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday 17th December 2010 - Afternoon

14:30 > 15:30
Sunny, cold, odd snow flurry, 2c.

An influx of wildfowl. On the main body a party of six Shoveler (three pairs), three Gadwall and around 20 Wigeon out on the mud were notable though stars of the show once more were the increasing numbers of Goosander with a group of ten (3d, 7f) with others noted on the silt beds and over on Cosgrove Lake. Also over the River Ouse at Cosgrove groups of Tufted Duck and Pochard were also noted as were two Little Egret amongst the group of Grey Heron which congregate by the reed beds on the north shore.

Away from the ducks a Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk over and a welcome Kingfisher along the Ouse.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Tuesday 14th December 2010 - Afternoon

15:30 > 15:45
Cold, damp, calm, 3c

A very brief visit with just a single Green Sandpiper and one of the resident Common Buzzards of note.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Friday 10th December 2010 - Afternoon

14:30 > 15:00
Damp, cold, west wind, 6c.

Another cold damp winters day. Still some pockets of ice about but this didn't deter the bird of the day a single Curlew from flitting about the shallows on the main area and over into cover on Cosgrove Lake. Apparently there has been an influx inland in recent days and certainly a suprise, just my second record of the species at the site the other being a pair a couple of summers ago.

A lone Green Sandpiper was the only other wader of note whilst three Goosander (1m 2f) caught the eye on the silt beds. On the Ouse a Kingfisher flashed by. Where the work was carried out last week (see Dec 3rd) there is now a clear fast race for a couple of hundred metres.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Friday 3rd December 2010 - Afternoon

14:00 > 15:00
Cold, calm, westerly breeze, 3c.

Standing water virtually iced over all round. Two Common Buzzards watched over the little life that was moving in the freezing conditions hoping for an easy meal no doubt. Just eight Lapwing were all that caught the attention in this area.

Things a bit livlier on the River Ouse where a group of workmen were cutting down a couple of years of fallen tree and debris between the Iron Trunk and the entrance to Back Brook. Wading waist deep in the freezing water they're braver men than I but the work will probably have an effect on the regular Kingfishers on this stretch. Time will tell.
A single Kingfisher was seen further downstream as were a pair of Goosander battling the flow.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Tuesday 23rd November 2010

12:00 > 13:00
Cold clear day, some sun, 8c

A new bird for the site (for me anyway) in a pair of Marsh Tit hanging 'loosely' about with the mixed tit flock just west of the Viaduct. With reports of 'Willows' recently in the valley could this be the source?

On the main water itself not a lot, the highlight being a pair of Shoveler the only wildfowl present. A dozen or so Lapwing could be found as could the resident Green Sandpiper but bar a handful of gulls that was it.
A walk along the river found at least two, quite probably three, Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail.

Over on the Cosgrove waters more in the way of ducks with a mixture of Tufted Duck, Wigeon and Coot and a handful of Great Crested Grebe alongside a few Cormorant. Noticable on the banking was at least six Little Egret.

Both Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard over completed the day.