Thursday, 29 September 2011

Thursday 29th September 2011 – Evening

17:30 > 18:00
Sunny, very warm, calm, 26c

The heatwave continues and whilst birdwise it was once again very quiet, yes yet again just a Little Egret to report, but it looked once more like an ideal evening for ballooning. 

No drama tonight (see post a couple of weeks back) but the action was left to those flying radio controlled planes over at Cosgrove. Whether the ‘pilot’ was trying to be clever in buzzing birds over the site or he lost control I must say I let out a little cheer when the plane nosenived head first at speed down into the mud. He wont get much change out of that!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Wednesday 28th September 2011 – Evening

17:15 > 18:00
Sunny, very warm, SW breeze, 25c

A mini heatwave and noticeable were a late dragonflies making the most of this last flourish of summer.

Birdwise not too much to report bar two families, the first a group of Jays squabbling with a couple of Magpies the second and eight strong brood of Common Pheasant in varying plumage strutting about in the scrub till a Common Buzzard in a low sortie over send them all to ground.
Bar that just a Little Egret worth recording.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tuesday 27th September 2011 – Evening

17:00 > 18:30
Sunny, warm, 22c

At last something to report in a female Whinchat observed for 20 minutes or so along the scrubby vegetation along the south bank. Only the second record for me on site.

Also observed the usual Little Egret and the semi usual Little Owl.

Also of note up on the top field on leaving a falconer with a largish bird of prey, buzzardish in size but I couldn’t ID.

And a mystery, in my notes I’ve written ‘Chin x 2’ and I’ve not a clue what I meant. I’ll give it some thought but I’m pretty sure its not about anyone putting on weight…

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21st September 2011 – Evening

17:00 > 17:30
Broken cloud, strong westerly wind, 16c

Strong wind hampering everything it seems, just a female Sparrowhawk breezing through of note.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Monday 19th September 2011 – Evening

18:00 > 19:30
Broken cloud, westerly breeze, 16c

An evening perimeter walk and for once something to report in five Northern Wheatear out on the new workings at dusk.

Elsewhere a swooping Hobby acoss the the thistle and teasles put the spooks up an increasingly large Goldfinch charm.

Only other birds of note, two Little Egrets.

On leaving, after totally misjudging the light, bats seen around the farm cottages area including at least one larger individual which may have been a Noctule (though don’t quote me on that).

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thursday 15th September 2011 – Evening

17:15 > 18:00
Sun, warm, calm 19c

The site as quiet as it’s ever been with just a lone Little Egret of note.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Wednesday 14th September 2011 – Evening

17:15 > 18:00
Dull, calm, 17c

Not too much to report (as seems per usual lately), indeed I spent a good ten minutes watching a Common Pheasant family picking its way along the hedgerows such was the excitement. A Cormorant is on the spit for a second day as is a lone Little Egret. The resident Tufty Club has increased in size and is now in double figures with four new birds joining the local six.

And another change to the site in the stone wall being gradually rebuilt that runs down to Godwit Corner from the farm buildings. Seems things are happening apace, all we need now are the birds.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday 13th September 2011 – Evening

17:45 > 18:30
Sunny, W wind, 16c

Still a stiff breeze but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. Noticeable today the number of House and Sand Martins heading through. 

Not too much else to report bar a lone Little Egret and the first Cormorant on the spit in a while but a thousand or so Gulls following the plough on the hill slope that leads up to Castlethorpe gave it a real Autumnal feel to the evening.  

As for the site itself it’s good to see all the vegetation cut back along the banking along the south shore leaving patches of shingle and bare earth. Birds such as Ring Ouzel, Wheatear and the various Wagtails and Pipits have favoured this area in the last few years, here’s hoping.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Monday 12th September 2011 – Evening

17:45 > Not long!
Windy, very, very windy! Cloud. 17c

With the tail end of Hurricane Katia (or whoever) battering the UK the alert was on for North American strays but nothing at Manor Farm, or indeed in the area as a whole. Given the strength of the wind though I’d be lying low once I hit landfall. A ten minute battering on a hill was enough for me before I headed home never mind just having flown the Atlantic.

Cowering on the shoreline a lone Green Sandpiper and two Little Egret.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Friday 9th September 2011 – Afternoon

13:45 > 15:00
Broken cloud, humid, S breeze, 21c

A perimeter walk on a humid sticky afternoon but after finding a White Wagtail in the Wagtail flock on Top Field not much else to report a single Little Egret and five Lapwing.

Friday 9th September 2011 – Morning

07:15 > 07:45
Dull, damp SW breeze, 14c

First morning visit in a long, long while and nothing too much to report, circa 350 Lapwing over on arrival promised much but just singles of Green Sandpiper, Little Egret and Common Buzzard of note

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Thursday 8th September 2011 – Evening

17:30 > 18:00
Cloud, sunny break, W breeze, 18c

A very quiet site bar around 70 Canada Geese in residence, a lone Little Egret looked on.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Tuesday 6th September 2011 – Evening

17:30 > 18:30
Cloud,  strong W wind, 14c

Still a good gathering of Wagtails on the Top Field but just Pieds seen this evening. 

Down in the valley four Little Egret in the margins. 

Most noticeable thing this evening though is an increasing bank of Puffball Mushrooms by the farmhouse. Foragers of the human variety may be a dying breed nowadays  given the amount of free fruit still hanging on trees, I wonder how long before someone else notices and harvests these.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Monday 5th September 2011 – Evening

17:30 > 18:30
Cloudy, W wind, 14c

Whilst the hunt is on elsewhere for the North Bucks Great White Egret just four of its smaller cousin (Little Egret) at Manor Farm this evening  along with two Green Sandpiper a Kingfisher down the Ouse and a Buzzard and Kestrel over.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday 2nd September 2011 – Afternoon

14:00 > 14:15
Sunny, warm, W breeze, 25c

A glorious day but no time to stop, just 4 Little Egret, 8 Lapwing and a Common Buzzard over seen.