Wednesday 9 September 2009

Manor Farm to hit jackpot again?

How the same area looked one year ago.
Per Chris G to NBBR

Nothing that important to report birdwise at Manor Farm (Old Wolverton) but big changes afoot re the landscape and the possibility of a new hotspot in this ever changing valley.

Over the last week or so the deep pit at the north end of what was the original wader area ( for the locals that’s the flats due east of Godwit Corner) has gradually had its gravel top drawn back towards Back Brook.

This has left a series of low pools, scrapes and shallows. Initially they were pumping water out of this area to work but yesterday afternoon water was allowed back in and it really looks like it could be the most interesting area yet.

The good thing for some of you about this area is that its totally viewable/scopable from the path behind the farm buildings, so not so much of a trek, and near a parking area (provided main gate is open).

Whilst work is still carried out, and at a guess I’d say maybe only a week at most left in this area, birds are staying clear though the Green Sandpipers amongst others are straight in, in the evenings.

If anyone else happens to be passing I’d be interested to hear their views.

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