Monday, 2 November 2009

Mon 2nd Nov - Afternoon - Changes

15:15 > 16:00
Cloud cover, sunny spell. SW breeze. 9C

After the weekends rain I expected to see even higher levels in The Dip but alas the pumps have been on again and water is low. The rain however did replenish the ever decrasing wader pool to the west and this and several of the other pools in the area should increase in the coming days should the forecast for more of the same hold. With Dunlin in the south of the county and just over the border in Norhants might well be worth a look again. Who knows 'Wader South Central' might exist once more.

Other changes over the last couple of weeks sees many of the willows along Back Brook coppiced. This includes all around the area where you could view down the inlet under cover, no more. Though it will take some deluge to see the inlet as attractive as it once was.

On the plus side Cosgrove Park saw off the last happy campers for the winter at the weekend. The riverside will be quieter and the lakes in this area which attacts all maner of ducks (all but the one far west are in Bucks, east of the Tove) can be viewed clearly, plus for scopers even along the ridge at back of farm.

To the birds, well not a lot about, due to that water level mostly, the late afternoon pre-roost gulls were nowhere to be seen and but for the multitude of Pied Wagtails still present the only birds in The Dip were a pair of Teal, a single Common Snipe and at least two Green Sandpipers. Away from the water a Common Buzzard and Kestrel were in the vicinity, the latter being mobbed by around 40 crows and jackdaws. Three Cormorant, the first in a while were over and the only winter thrush remaining a lone Redwing.

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