Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Weds 3rd March - Evening - Oystercatcher

17:00 > 17:30
4c Cloud, cold E wind.

Spring is in the air, but that easterly wind doesn't want you to know it yet.
First true arrival in an Oystercatcher out at the end of the new spit and a further sign things are on the move with a pair of Little Egrets, the first for a while, around the margins.
Also out on the water a pair of Goosander remain in the inlet while there was the first Great Created Grebe on the main body of water in a while.
A Fox put in an appearance wandering around the lake edge much to the interest of the 20 or so Mallards at the east side. The only other duck viewed tonight a pair of Wigeon in the flooded shallows.
On leaving a single Grey Partridge was flush from the hedges in the top corner along the ridge.

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