17:30 > 18:30
Sun, high wispy cloud, calm, 16c.
Surfs up! Well almost, theres been a rise in water levels in the site, creating now only more pools but strips of water stretching off from the main body. In these strips at least five Green Sandpipers, two Common Sandpipers and a lone Common Snipe. Also on site just four Little Egret (i'm giving up on theories), two Cormorants and seven Lapwing. Along the Ouse, which is also up a couple of inches though not high enough to flood Back Brook yet, I was suprised to see a couple of Dragonflies having one final throw of the dice before Autumn closes in.
Away from the water one of the Common Buzzards was getting a lot of grief from Gang Corvid, which also for some reason kept mobbing one of the Green Sandpipers too. Crows are suppossedly clever birds, sometimes though I just don't see it.
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