Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tuesday 1st March 2011 - Evening

17:15 > 17:45
Cloudy, cold, cool easterly breeze, 3c.

The weekends rain has raised water levels further and the area looks more promising than ever with a fair expanse of shallow mud waiting to be exposed, and to the west or the main body an area still being worked that resembles the type of habitat that drew in the like of LRP's & RP's last summer,

At the moment fairly quiet, Oystercatchers now number two with just a single Lapwing the only other wader seen. With a return to colder weather the Goosanders have returned with fourteen on site alongside roughly the same number of Wigeon. No other wildfowl of note.

Out of the fields a few hundred winter thrushes are gathering mostly Fieldfare but a smattering of Redwing thrown in.

Three Little Egret as darkness began to fall capped the day.

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