Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Tuesday 31st May 2011 - Evening

Still around...

17:45 > 18:30
Sunny, NW breeze, 17c.

As we say goodbye to May the summer slumber seems to have somewhat already sneaked in given activity today.

Breeding success is again the order of the day with young Pied Wagtail as well as Yellow Wagtail initially seen last week now picking about in the mud along the shorelines. A rather scruffy White Wagtail was seen too, the first in a while but then given what else has been happening it has probably been overlooked.

Elsewhere one of the Lapwing pairs now has three sizable chicks in tow.

Two Great Crested Grebe doing their mating ritual suggests more new life is to come.

The usual Little Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers were present as were three Little Egret and up to six Grey Heron together in a group on 'Knot Pool'. In the small corner copse by the farm itself a Little Owl flitted about and on leaving a single Common Tern flew in.

And that, as they say, is your lot!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Friday 27th May 2011 - Afternoon

14:00 > 15:00
Cloud, sunny spells, cool westerly, 13c.

First visit for a couple of weeks and although not anything too exciting a couple of breeding sucesses new to the site in both Lapwing and Yellow Wagtail with young.

Elswhere the usual Little Ringed Plovers were the only other waders present. The Common Tern pair still remain while half a dozen summer plumaged Black Headed Gulls were in the inlet. Three Little Egret were dotted about the site.

Along the Ouse one of the Mute Swan pairs has half a dozen signets (see pic) in tow while Sedge and Reed Warbler numbers have increased. Reed Buntings were seen taking food into the reedbed at the entrance to Back Brook suggesting successful breeding also.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Sun 22nd May 2011 - Little Stint confirmation...


The LITTLE STINT is still at Manor Farm this evening , thanks to Rob H for finally checking it out.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Sat 21st May - Poss Litte Stint per NBBR

From SiNich

Probable LITTLE STINT this evening at Manor Farm this evening - Andy M has emailed me the below, seems pretty good description :-

"I don't know if anyone can help but I have just returned from Manor Farm, Old Wolverton and am pretty sure I've seen a Little Stint on the main island working along the 'shoreline'.

I am a fairly inexperienced birder so any confirmation of this sighting would be much appreciated. I've checked through my Collins guide and it seems consistent on the basis of size (it stood next to a pied wagtail for a bit and the body size was about the same, minus the wagtails tail obviously) and plumage (distinct cream lines down the back form the nape, upper mottled with dark spots and lower clean white - no dark markings as with 'sumplum' Dunlin) also a dark straight bill and dark legs."

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Friday 13th May 2011 - Afternoon

14:00 > 15:30
Cloudy, west breeze, 15c.

Cooler than of late but still something of interest this afternoon at the Farm. The usual Little Ringed Plovers, Lapwings and Oystercatchers while an odd Yellow Wagtail could be seen popping in and out of the vegatation waterside. Elsewhere a single Common Redshank picked about in the shallows.

A lone drake Pochard was a new addition whilst an odd duck family is there in the making. A female Mallard already with ducklings has a drake Tufted Duck in tow. Indeed so enamoured is she of him that when a drake Mallard appeared (and i'm presuming its the father) she gave him what for before returning to her new beau who seems quite settled in his adoptive role.

Bird of the day though was undoubtedly a Hobby, strafing backwards and forwards along the Inlet picking insects off the water, which given they were virtually impossible to see i'm presuming were Mayfly. Ideal position for photography if only the light would play ball, it didn't but still got some record shots, see above and below. (more to follow)

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Thursday 12th May 2011 - Evening

17:30 > 18:30
Sunny, west wind 17c.

For a change a walk along the canal stretch before joining the path along the Ouse.

Pretty much the usual suspects in Little Ringed Plovers, Lapwings, Oystercatchers and Yellow Wagtails along with a couple of Little Egret and the resident Common Terns. A fairly large Swift passage this evening also.

A Lesser Whitethroat along the river was a nice addition, whilst a lone Hobby put in its usual aerial display.

Star of the night though a group of Chaffich who have learnt the art of hanging off a pollarded Willow to pick of Mayfly as they rise off the water, see pic above.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Wednesday 11th May 2011 - Evening

17:15 > 17:45
Cloud, SW breeze, 16c.

A quickish evening visit along the South Shore and Slope (try saying that after ten pints!) and apart from a fine 'sumplum' Dunlin not too much to report. The usual suspects in Lapwings, Little Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers still on site as were the resident Common Terns.

Some Yellow Wagtails still remain around the shorelines and a pair feeding together up on the Top Field south of the Farmhouse, where incidentally the Gadwalls could also be found tonight on the pond.On leaving a single Little Owl was seen flying along Back Brook.

As for the site itself groundwork has already started on the last large part of flood meadow to the north east of the site, the riverside field is bordered by the Ouse and Front Brook that contains the bridge over to Castlethorpe. Yet another area to watch...

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Tuesday 10th May 2011 - Evening

18:00 > 19:00
Cloud, westerly breeze, 16c

Mayfly were rising along the Ouse but not in the numbers seen last year whilst overall another quiet day at the site. A lone Common Redshank along the south shores was a newcomer and along a Common Sandpiper and the usual Little Ringed Plovers, Oystercathers & Lapwings made up the wader contingent. Two Little Egrets were on site and as happened last summer there has been a gradual build up of Grey Heron in the area with at least six present tonight. A record number of nine Mute Swans were also in the inlet.

Two Common Tern, and i'm guessing now its the same pair, were again resting on the spit inbetween hunting forays along the Ouse. Along the Ouse itself both Reed and Sedge Warbler could be heard.

Back on the main body of water the first Great Crested Grebe in a while while the odd Yellow Wagtail was still noted around the islands as were a handful of Linnets, the remainder of the large flocks of a month or so ago.

And finally on leaving I got to hear a few short bursts from the male Tree Sparrow in lower Central Field. I'm not a lister by any means but another nice 'tick' for me at the site.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday 9th May per NBBR

From SiNich

A lovely evening at Manor Farm once again produced a quality wader , unfortunately its stay was brief ! As I never managed to relocate the GREY PLOVER after initially seeing it on the Southern Shore (viewed from the river footpath )

Also present were a Common Sandpiper , 3 LRP , 15+ Yellow Wagtails , 4 Sedge Warblers , 10 Swift , 100+ Sand Martin , 2 Common Tern , 3 Whitethroat , 1 Reed Warbler , 4 Lapwing, 1 CUCKOO and 1 Willow Warbler

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thurday 5th May 2011 per Bucksbirders

From Simon G

Got to the site at about 6:20 and had a good wander round. Still didn't

catch up with the Wood Sandpiper, but saw:

Good numbers of Lapwing and LRP
2 Oystercatchers
1 Greenshank
6 Common Tern (2 on reserve, others fishing over canal and campsite lake)
1 Yellow Wagtail
2 Cuckoo (heard)
Also a bonus pair of Greenfinch and pair of Bullfinch seen by the canal

All in all a good morning, if not quite the wader-fest I was hoping for!

Thursday 5th May 2011 - Evening

Broken cloud, sunny spells, west breeze, 17c.
17:30 > 18:30
A case of after the Lord Mayors show after yesterdays waderfest (see below) but still the odd bird of note.

A lone Greenshank, possibly yesterdays bird, was the highlight waderwise with a Common Sandpiper, the usual Lapwings and Little Ringed Plovers and four Oystercatchers making up the numbers.

A handful of Yellow Wagtails can still be found popping out of the vegatation along the shoreline whilst two Common Tern, the Herring Gull pair and a group of five Lesser Black Backed Gulls over were also of note. Out on the water the ten strong Tufted Duck flock look like they might be settled in for the summer while restless Gadwall pair still remain.

Along the riverside, both Greater Spotted and Green Woodpecker were noted as were Treecreepers. The stars of the day though were two male Common Pheasant going hell for leather at each other at the waters edge in the inlets, even at times ending up in the drink. She must have worth it!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wednesday 4th May 2011 - Evening

17:30 > 19:00
Sun, warm, 16c

I've been walking this site for a few years now, way before the digging even started but tonight for an hour and a half it was as good as its ever been or indeed ever likely too.

Alerted earlier in the day that two Bar Tailed Godwits were on site, and later a lone Greenshank, I headed down to the Farm after work. In the first bay at the end of Central Field was the Wood Sandpiper that has been on site since the weekend and nearby the Greenshank picked about in the shallows.

A call from Simon N that the Barwits were in the inlet and I headed off noting two Common Sandpiper and a single Green Sandpiper in the bay to the south west end. The Barwits were as Simon described, stunning and well viewable from the Riverside Walk (alas they flew east at 7:00pm). Also along the inlet four Oystercatcher, increasing to five by the time I left.

Little Ringed Plovers were everywhere, one very probable (and there may be more) Ringed Plover was amongst them. Just as I was leaving 'sumplum' Dunlin was found in the south west bay.

Including the usual Lapwings that makes ten species of wader at the Farm tonight and at a sight where not so long ago your heart would skip a beat if you saw a lone Lapwing fly over.

Away from the waders, five Little Egret were seen, including two over heading to roost whilst a handful of Yellow Wagtail can still be found dotted about the islands.

And finally to cap it all the first Swifts i've seen at the site this year darted across the fields as I wandered off after a somewhat surreal hour or so.

Wednesday 4th May 2011 per Bucksbirders

From Simon G

Didn't connect with the Wood Sand, but saw:

at least 4 LRP and 3 Little Egret
2 Oystercatcher
2 Bar-Tailed Godwit

Lots of swallows, House and Sand Martins (my first sand of the year!)

Lots of House Martins coming down to the ground to collect mud for nesting.

Will aim for an early morning visit next time to avoid the heat haze on the

Wednesday 4th May 2011 per NBBR

From Chris G

And the Wood Sandpiper still at Manor Farm, Old Wolverton this morning at 6:30

Monday, 2 May 2011

Monday 2nd May 2011 per Si Nich

After a disappointing morning , we decided to head to Manor Farm , a Male Bullfinch greeted us at the car park and a Little Owl was calling from the pollarded willows. After scanning the first areas of open water and turning up a few LRP's , we mov through to the 2nd field along and scanned the spit - WOOD SANDPIPER ! all the previous 2 hours agony was washed away ! Cracking bird in full summer plumage. Also on the pits were a further 4 LRP's ( must be up to 6 on the site ) 1 Common Sandpiper , 5+ Lapwings and 2 Common Terns

Whilst walking back we came across a fantastic singing TREE SPARROW , which is probably rarer in North Bucks then Wood Sand !

Monday 2nd May 2011 per NBBR

From Bob F

Wood Sandpiper still at manor farm along with 2 common sand and lrp

And from Peter A

The Wood Sandpiper & Greenshank were still at Manor Farm just after 5.00pm

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sunday 1st May 2011 per NBBR

From Rob H

At Manor Farm late afternoon, 2 Greenshank remain. Also 2 Common Sand, 5 LRP, 2 Oycs, and a Red Kite over east.

Sunday 1st May 2011 - Morning via Text

From SiNich

3 Greenshank @ Manor Farm per Andy H