Monday, 17 August 2009

MF Weekly Roundup - Mon 10th to Sun 16th Aug 09

Some notable new birds this week at Manor Farm, not only the third Greenshank in the last few weeks and the juvenile Dunlin which were both first seen on Friday (14th) and were still present as the week ended on Sunday (16th) but also the first Northern Wheatear of ‘Autumn’ migration, a juvenile on the ridge fencing on Tuesday (11th).

Of the more resident waders a maximum count of three of both Common and Green Sandpiper were seen during the week along with a max 70 Lapwing on Monday (10th).

Four Little Egrets on Sunday (16th) was the maximum I’ve seen at the site while the Common Tern trio were still in attendance on and off during the week.

On the gull front the highest count was on Sunday (16th) with around 600 out on the mud first thing. These were virtually all Black Headed Gulls though on Tuesday (11th) around a third (32) of the hundred or so birds viewable were Lesser Black Backed Gulls.

And finally two more common species but not often seen at the farm, on Friday (14th) a pair of Stock Dove on the mud and a single Sparrowhawk over.

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