Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Tuesday 18th Aug 09 - Afternoon - Ringed Plover

5:00 > 5:30pm
Overcast, warm.

Another wader appears! A Ringed Plover, the first returnee since May, favouring the mud along the front of the last sizeable wader pool. Probably best viewable from the River Ouse side, unfortunately I didn't have time to venture that far. Took to the air on several occaisions but then settled back to earth, still there when I left at 5:30ish.

Also for the fifth day both the juvenile Dunlin and Common Greenshank are on the same pool with a single Common Sandpiper. No Greens seen on site today the only other waders the forty or so Lapwing dotted about the site

Just a single Common Tern today after yesterdays high count of twelve and where yesterday there was over 1000 gulls (see post below) just seven (thats seven) greeted me today. Later on a motley assortment of LBB and Herring Gull were lined up along the new shingle banking behind the old wader pit though.

Problem at the site again though is lack of water, tomorrows predicted hot day might well see another two of the smaller pools gone going on what was left today.

Pray for rain, lots of it or those nice people at Hanson leaving the tap running for a day or two.

Ringed Plover - Birdguides
Ringed Plover - BTO
Ringed Plover - RSPB
Ringed Plover - Avibirds
Ringed Plover - Wiki

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