Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Tuesday 4th August - Afternoon - Cormorant

4:30 > 5:00pm
Cloudy, warm, muggy, odd spot of rain, SW wind.

A fairly quiet afternoon at MF. Two Green Sandpipers, one Common Sandpiper and 23 Lapwing around the small pools as were three Common Terns which suprisingly caught a fish or two in the deeper area.
Only a handful of gulls visiable these all being Black Headed Gulls but the traffic in and out the newly dug pit to the rear (north) of site suggested usual numbers were about. A Lesser Black Backed Gull that was floundering on the mud yesterday expired overnight and was making a meal for several crows.
On the hill around 80 Canada Geese were grazing including an odd looking individual that looks like a Canada/ANother hybrid, a Canada in all respects but yellow legs and beak. Also on the hill a Kestrel hunted in the lenghtening grass.
At waterside a Cormorant, the first I have seen this summer at the site, rested.
As I was leaving the rain got heavier and a passage of Housemartins, probably around 25 birds, passed through the site.

At the back of the farm buildings it was noticable that something in the damp woodchip was attricting a handful of Painted Lady butterfly.

Cormorant - Birdguides
Cormorant - BTO
Cormorant - RSPB
Cormorant - Wiki

Painted Lady - Butterfly Conservation
Painted Lady - UK Butterflies

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