Friday, 24 April 2009

Friday is Ouzel day!

Its seems Friday is Ring Ouzel day at Manor Farm.

Following on from last weeks bird, another was found this morning on the shingle bank and gravel road south of the main body of water. Again like last weeks bird a stunning male, it flew over the south central field literally a couple of feet over my head giving great views. It was fairly flighty and was last seen around 7:30ish in the field south of the farm building (between farm and Old Wolverton Road), unfortunately I had to head for work but it may still be there in the hills and hollows, a field most of us usually overlook.

Last weeks bird...

Earlier, from my arrival till 7:00, two Curlew, the first reported to have landed on site, were in 'Godwit Corner' they circled lake and headed in a Linford(ish) direction. Also in this corner one RP and one LRP and a single Common Sandpiper.

Three Terns, probably Commons but the Ouzel distracted me, were resting on the signs emerging from the water and the Shelduck pair are still present.

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