Saturday, 11 April 2009

Saturday afternoon update: 11th April 09

From Si Nich via NBBR and text (Thanks Simon)

Rob (Hill) has seen at least 1 , poss 2 WATER PIPITS at Manor Farm , at least 15 Yellow Wagtails and a minimum of 3 WHITE WAGTAILS

And later from Rob himself...

Indeed, the first bird was the more classic grey bird now there for it's 3rd? 4th? day, and showing very well, flycatching from the mounds, and chasing wagtails. Unstreaked back, clean superc., strong bill, white outer-tail feathers, prominent pale edges to the retrices, pale below with limited dark streaking, paleish legs. The second bird, seen briefly once before disappearing behind a mound and not re-appearing, was similarly sized, strong bill, weaker superc., but was noticably browner on the upperparts with heavier streaking on the underparts.

I'm not too familiar with the variability of Water Pips, but wasn't the regular Tring bird of recent years a rather brown specimen?

Anyway, most of the pipits and wagtails (there were 5+ Mipits as well as Yellow Wags and the 3 stunning male White wags) were on the large flat area at the west end of the main pool, where the inlet starts to bend round.

Other birds included 2m Wheatear, 1 LRP, 2 Snipe, 1 Common Sand, 6 Green Sand, 2 Shelduck & 4 Teal.


Water Pipit - Birdguides

Water Pipit - BTO

Water Pipit - RSPB

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