Saturday, 11 April 2009

A reply to James re access.

As long as you stay in the fields you are okay James, at no point should you be able to get right to the waters edge though, especially as that is where some of the better birds have been ie Water Pipit etc and they were flushed as per yesterday, this site is not just whats on the water, the mud attracts plenty more.

To the south of the water thats the three fields farm buildings side and the one through the wooden gate to the west end. As a guide you should always have the back brook between you and the site. To the north of site the riverside walk, which is giving the better views at the moment is the guide then you can follow 'front' brook. (There is more on this somewhere in blog)

Basically if you are on or have crossed any of the gravel roading you are in the working quarry and are trespassing. Hopefully Hanson will erect more signs to make this more obvious soon.

Hope that helps.


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