Friday, 17 April 2009

Ring Ouzel + - Friday 17th April - Afternoon

(All pictures taken by Chris G today at Manor Farm, click on image for full size.)

A Ring Ouzel was found by yours truly at 13:45 this afternoon (and was still there when I left at 17:15). In bad light and up a tree in the centre south field to start with I was sure it was a female, brownish bird with a cream crescent, but sunlight and the fine eye of Si Nicholls when he arrived confirmed it was indeed a male. Initially spending the first three quarters on an hour flitting from tree to tree it finally came down to feed on the pasture, see below. After initially being lost it was refound by Paul Moon and myself on the southern shingle banking along the main body of water, where it still was when I left this evening.

Also on site.
Around a dozen Yellow Wagtails
One (at least) White Wagtail
Two Northern Wheatear
Two Little Ring Plovers
Two Oystercatcher
Three Green Sandpipers
Pair Shelduck
And a mystery wader, entrance to inlet but just out of Bin ID range, looked like winter plumaged Dunlin but not sure.

Ring Ouzel - RSPB
Ring Ouzel - BTO
Ring Ouzel - Birdguides

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