Friday, 13 August 2010

Friday 13th August - Afternoon

The Inlet Manor Farm - Aug 2010
14:00 > 16:30
14c Heavy rain giving way to sun then odd shower.

As the last of this years cattle are carted away for the dinner table it means once more it is safe to go and view the inlet from the west end, and it came up trumps with seven Green Sandpipers, a papir of Common Sandpipers and two Litte Egrets. The Sandmartin colony still holds a few active nests here too with parents darting in and out every second. Also in this area quite a few Common Blue butterflies a pair of Bullfinch and a Whitethroat.

Along the river quite a few Willow Wablers, Chiffchaffs, Sedge and Reed Warblers were noticable amongst the tree and vegetation along with a smattering of the the more common Tits. A Sparrowhawk darted here and there paying close close attention to any movement from cover.

Up on the 'high plain' the pool behind the farm buildings a further two Green Sandpipers could be found.

Out on the main area itself 14 Lapwing hugged the banking in the deluge alongside fifty or so Black Headed Gulls. A handful of Lesser Black Backed and a couple of Herring Gulls could also be found later in the afternoon.

And finally whilst we might curse the low flying Chinooks overhead, there was another one on Friday scattering everything, you cannot help but look up in awe at the low flying Vulcan Bomber (is it the last one?) flying low over the valley at around four o'clock.

Sand Martin - Birdguides
Sand Martin - BTO
Sand Martin - Wiki
Sand Martin - RSPB
Common Blue - UK Butterflies
Common Blue - Butterfly Conservation
The Last Vulcan

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