Thursday, 12 August 2010

Thursday 12th August 2010 - Evening

18:00 > 19:30
14c Heavy rain breaking to sun, NW breeze.

At last a Kingfisher! Having not seen one at the site since the last day of 2009 just before the big freeze set in I was starting to think maybe the birds that were almost daily sightings, especially along the river, had succumbed to the cold. But no there was the azure flash this evening of a juvenile making its way along Back Brook.

Other birds of note, waders numbers building, at least three Green Sandpipers including on on the top pool south of the farm buildings. A very pale Common Redshank respledent in the late sun and a single Common Sandpiper. Two Little Egrets also around the confines while geese numbers continue to rise, now around 150 Canadians up on the slopes with their single confused Greylag mate.

Fifty or so gulls, most Black Headed but a handful of Herring and Lesser Black Backed. A youngster of one of these species (don't even ask me to start decoding the plumage) was the star of the day, circled a few times then made half a dozen dry runs to join the other gulls on the mud before taking the easy option and diving head first almost Gannet style into the water in a none too graceful landing. None the worse for the experience though.

This time last year - Greenshank
Kingfisher - Birdguides
Kingfisher - BTO
Kingfisher - RSPB
Kingfisher - Wiki

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