18:30 > 20:00
Sun then sunset, calm. 20c to start then cooling.
I hadn't intended visiting the site today but a beautiful late summer evening was too good to pass up given what we've had recently. The highlight was a pair of Spotted Flycatcher, my first at the site, along the riverside walk but the my bird of the day was the Kingfisher. I was lamenting not so long ago that I had not seen seen one since New Years Eve, pre the big freeze then a flash of blue from a juvenile along Back Brook gave some hope that they hadn't been wiped out in the valley. Well this evening in true London bus style I found three. A pair along the River Ouse at the eastern end of the site by the viaduct on arrival then late on a single at the other end a matter of yards from the 'Iron Trunk' aquaduct. Perhaps with the water level in the river dropping they are making hay fishing wise after what must have been a struggle the last few days. A very welcome sight indeed. I understand my East Yorkshire reader is most pleased. ;)
The reedbeds and waterside bushes were alive with migrants once more and there has been a small influx of waders too. At least three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper and a single Common Snipe could be found in the newly flooded area. A single Common Tern and two Little Egret were also noted.
I hung around till sunset when the pre-roost of gulls and built up to around 600 birds. Autumn is definitely on its way and the site is starting to give me hope once more. Looking back on last years records they are not so very different.
Spotted Flycatcher - Birdguides
Spotted Flycatcher - BTO
Spotted Flycatcher - Wiki
Spotted Flycatcher - RSPB
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