Saturday, 30 April 2011

Saturday 30th April 2011 - Afternoon

Still about...

13:00 > 16:30
Warm, sunny, strong NNE wind, 18c.

Not intending to visit the Farm today but the of a 'sumplum' Dunlin found by Simon N earlier in the day tempted me down and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent on a warm but very windy spring afternoon that had more than a feel of true summer about it and so much to rport, where do I start?
Well the Dunlin was still on site in the south bay at the eastern end of the main body of water but a further pair one in summer and one in transitional plumage werte also found in the inlet as was a Common Sandpiper.

Little Ringed Plover numbers appear to has risen again given how easy they were to find especially viewed from the River Ouse side amongst them was also a single bright and lively  Ringed Plover. A pair of Oystercatcher were also about as were three Little Egrets. The usual Lapwings were also dotted about.

Alongside five Common Tern two Arctic Terns dropped in late afternoon. A White Wagtail and a handful of Yellow Wagtails can still be found on site. Out on the water was the loser in love drake Common Shelduck which left the small flock of Tufted Duck that remain well alone. Five Mute Swans was a high for the main body and half a dozen Canada Geeese look like they've finally settled in for the duration.

A pair of Common Buzzards made the most of the wind and thermals and a Little Owl could be found in the small copse at the eastern end of the Ridge.

Bird of the day though a Hobby, who not only hunted at close quarters along Back Brook but put in several strafing runs along the channels between the islands out on the water at breakneck speed.

Butterflies were out in force battling the gale, Common Blues along the approach road, Red Admirals, Peacocks and various 'Whites' along Back Brook whilst Speckled Wood and Brimstone could be found along the Ouse.

All in all a good day...

1 comment:

  1. Do you really think the Shelduck is a loser in love Chris ? I wouldn't be surprised if last weeks other 2 were interlopers and this one's mate reappears with young in tow. Incubation takes 28 days. How longs she been gone?
