13:00 > 14:00
Sunny, warm though cool easterly breeze at times. 19c
A chance to make the most of sun for an hour, eat my lunch and watch the world go by.
Still a few Yellow Wagtails dotted about though not as active or it appears as numerous as yesterday.
Sand Martins continue to prospect the new workings. Out on the water at least three Little Ringed Plovers remain as do a pair of Green Sandpiper, a Common Redshank, an Oystercatcher and a couple of Lapwing.
Four Little Egrets also in the area. Gadwall now down to two pairs but a flock of 11 Tufted Duck dropped in on leaving. Bar a pair of Mallard these are the only ducks now on site.
A pair of Herring Gull were in situ for the duration giving the resident crows what for whilst overhead a couple of Sparrowhawk and three Common Buzzards were making the most of the thermals.
Still a good showing of butterflies including my first 'Blues' of the summer along the approach road.
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