17:30 > 19:00 Cloudy, calm, 12c
No sign of the Godwits that have been present the last couple of days but with a bit of patience and a long walk the following was seen.
Waders in abundance, at least six Little Ringed Plovers now on site, one, probably two, Common Sandpiper, two Green Sandpiper, six Lapwing and two Oystercatcher down on the site while three others flew over 'piping'. Just a single Little Egret this evening and ducks down to a handful of Mallards and just one Gadwall pair. Two pair of Canada Geese have taken up residence though.
Yellow Wagtail numbers continue to build and you can get a real idea of how many there are by walking along the River Ouse as most frequent the area between the path and the main body of water at any given time. At a conservative guess around 20 along with double that number of Pied Wagtail including a pristine White Wagtail which may not be alone.
The Linnet flock continues to entertain flitting about in the newly planted area on the North Shore whilst out over the water more Sand Martins than you could shake a stick at, a few House Martins and the odd Swallow or two.
The Little Owl could again be heard calling from the trees along Back Brook.
Also airborne this evening, three hot air balloons, summer must be on the horizon...
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