Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Wednesday 27th April 2011 - Afternoon

14:30 > 16:00
Sun, broken cloud, NE breeze, 15c.

Or what a difference a day makes part two as temperatures pick up again but still a cool easterly keep them down a notch or two.

Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water the horror returns and threefold. Yes three Common Shelduck on site today, a female and two males, that spent most of the afternoon chasing each other rather than worrying off the other wildfowl but on todays showing the remaining Tufted Duck and Gadwall have given up the ghost for yet another year.

Also on site in no particulae order. Two 'Commic' Terns, the usuals of Lapwing & Little Ringed Plover, a single Little Egret a pair of Herring Gull (and yes I know they shouldn't) and not as many Martins as yesterday but a handful of Sand Martins are endeavouring to nest where thirty or so pairs were successful last year.

Oddly today no sign of Yellow Wagtails.

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